Making it look easy

Headed for Lillehammer ski jump to watch practice. Seeing young people repeatedly go up a massive hill and then fly down on a pair of ski's over and over again was fascinating. It almost made me feel I wanted to have a go,  reality hit and remembered my fear of heights plus the years of dedication and practice that make it look easy.

As we have travelled around Norway it is noticeably clean and tidy, I watched a woman today eating her lunch then carefully sorting through the waste and putting it into the correct recycling bins-Plastic, glass etc. Not sure if this is a cultural issue or whether Norwegians are more aware of the need to recycle but I am struck by the cleanliness of the countryside, roadside and public areas visited.

Despite all these positives read recently that Norway has a high number of deaths from drug overdoses and is trialling interventions to prescribe heroin and safe drug consumption areas. As a visitor, homelessness and deprivation would appear much less visible in Norway. It is certainly an expensive country to visit from the UK but I am looking forward to discovering a bit more of the struggles people face in the country with visits to projects that work with those experiencing homelessness and coming from the criminal justice system.

I am increasingly interested in wilderness therapy and the connection people need with the natural world plus the concept of communitas. Hopefully can learn more in the coming days.


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