Setting off....

Travelled up to Edinburgh for a flight to Amsterdam and then Oslo to start the fellowship journey to Norway.

It is hard to leave the day job and will miss the emmaus companions while I am away as we have loads going on at present but really excited to learn about therapeutic farming and how it relates to connection, recovery and meaning.

The interaction between animals and the importance of our connection to the natural environment is of particular interest but also looking forward to discovering more on the importance of work and community.
No more driving on this side for a while!

Very grateful for the opportunity to travel and learn and already had to fields some tricky Brexit related questions from some Swedish gentlemen.

First impressions of Norway are that it is clean, well organised with some large scale infrastructure projects (especially road building) going on. Maybe we can be the same post 31st October despite the disappointment of (potentially) leaving from my new Swedish friends!

First stop today is to meet Ragnfrid, a professor in mental health care and his anthropologist colleague at  University (Hedmark University College) near Lillehammer to discuss his report on Green Care and the wider policy environment, history and culture of Green Care in Norway.

Green Care Report
Winston Churchill Memorial Trust
In the Farm Yard (Norway)

Farvel til senere....


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